For the past two months I have been immersed in Aberdeen Foyer getting to know everyone and everything regarding their impact measurement processes. It has been a fantastic experience and at times provided more questions than answers! But as a researcher it just sparks my curiosity.
Throughout the project we have been using the term ‘meaningful measurement’ as it fits well with what we are trying to establish through our research. Many social enterprises find measuring their impact a chore rather than a meaningful activity. Measuring soft outcomes can be particularly difficult. You may have a variety of colourful and visual reports, spreadsheets and statistics but does it really mean anything? There is always uncertainty around whether they are measuring too little or too much, and with most social enterprises they are measuring what is required by funders.
After an initial feedback session to senior management the project will now feedback to all staff, accompanied by a lean thinking session. A change team at Foyer will then be developed to lead on everything regarding measurement processes from within.
I look forward to providing further updates and to discussing the work with the other researchers on the project team.
Melanie Liddell