Over the last few years there has been an increasing focus on measuring impact in the third sector. But is this activity always as useful and meaningful as it could be? Do social enterprises, third sector and community organisations feel this is adding value for them, not just for funders? Do they have the support they need? Are funders clear on why they are asking for particular information and how they will use this?
This event is for organisations and funders who are interested in hearing about recent research into these topics and who want to help improve the way the evidence system works in the third sector.
For more information and to register, please click here
The research programme is supporting a Knowledge Exchange Forum, a meeting space to ensure that the research undertaken is relevant to the sector and to disseminate our learning a widely as possible.
It will take place at least twice a year and is attended by members of Scottish social enterprises, our advisory panel, the research team and members of academic and practitioner networks (in UK and also Europe).
One of the suggestions from our previous meetings is that we use 'non-academic' language to share what we are doing and our outputs. We hope that this website will do this. If you have any suggestions for improvement, then please let us know by emailing: commonhealth@gcu.ac.uk
We will also be updating our website regularly to keep you up-to-date with progress.
For information about the Knowledge Exchange Forum, see click on the images below.