Cam Donaldson holds the Yunus Chair in Social Business & Health at Glasgow Caledonian University.  From 2002-2009, he held the Health Foundation Chair in Health Economics at Newcastle University, where he was founding Director of the Institute of Health & Society and professor in the Newcastle University Business School.  He held the Svare Chair in Health Economics at the University of Calgary from 1998-2002, having first become a professor of health economics in 1996 whilst at the Health Economics Research Unit at the University of Aberdeen.

Cam has received numerous competitive awards in recognition of his research, having been:

  • an inaugural National Institute for Health Research Senior Investigator (2008-2012)
  • a Public Services Fellow in the Advanced Institute for Management Research (2004-5), funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council
  • a Canadian Institutes for Health Research Senior Investigator (2000-2002)
  • a Senior Scholar (1998-2003), funded by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research

Over the past 25 years, Cam has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles in economics, medical, health policy and health management journals and has co-authored or edited several books on various aspects of health economics and public service delivery.



Rachel Baker is Professor of Health Economics and Deputy Director at the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health, Glasgow Caledonian University. She has a BA in Economics and Social Policy and a PhD from Newcastle University.

In her doctoral work, funded by the UK Medical Research Council, she applied Q methodology and qualitative methods to economic theories of rationality in the context of health and lifestyle choices. Her Post Doctoral Research Fellowship was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and included 3 months as a visiting researcher at the University of Calgary, Canada.

Rachel’s research has focussed on the use of mixed methods to elicit societal values with respect to health care resource allocation.   Her research has included use of Q methodology and qualitative methods as well as health economic approaches to valuation and preference elicitation including Willingness to Pay, Standard Gamble and Person Trade off techniques.

In collaboration with colleagues at GCU, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Rachel recently led a 3 year research project funded by the Medical Research Council. The research team explored societal perspectives on the relative value of life-extending treatments for people with terminal illnesses methodological and built on work developing Q survey methods to investigate the distribution of views. She is involved, as co-investigator, in a CSO funded study of QALY weights and end of life, in CSO funded work on microcredit and health, and this project exploring social enterprise and health.

She has published research papers in Social Science and Medicine, Health Economics and the Journal of Health Services Research and Policy amongst other journals and is Past President of the International Q methodology Society.



Catherine is Programme Director, at The Institute of Design Innovation, Glasgow School of Art and directs a range of research and knowledge exchange projects applying design thinking to support innovation. Managing a team of designers and researchers, projects address complex issues with a focus on developing user-focused and practical solutions for products and services in the public and private sectors.

Projects are diverse and include enhancing access to Mental Health Services for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde; Collective Futures: Exploring Co-operative Business Models for Designer Makers; Design Innovation Support Programme for SMEs in partnership with Scottish Enterprise; the Future of Scottish Public Libraries; Climate Change Communications within Local Communities; and the Re-Imagining Workforce Development and Planning for the Scottish Social Services Council. She is also a contributor to EPSRC-funded TEDDI2: APAtSCHE – Aging Population Attitudes to Sensor Controlled Home Energy project – in partnership with the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde.

Catherine is also the founder of Journey Associates, a dynamic innovation and design management consultancy offering user-focused research, analysis and strategic consultancy services. She has been involved in the fields of design and innovation for 19 years and has managed a range of national and international projects relating to design, innovation and sustainability. Clients include the British Council, Scottish Enterprise, the Design Council, the BBC, The Lighthouse, and the Scottish Government.



Clementine joined the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health in January 2011 as an intern working on an evaluation of the Grameen Caledonian College of Nursing and an exploratory study into the development of Self-Reliant Groups (SRGs) in Scotland. Since then she has completed a Masters in Research Methods and has been working on her PhD, continuing to study the experiences of women involved in SRGs. This work has developed into one of the projects on the CommonHealth programme which she joined in November 2014.

Prior to joining Glasgow Caledonian University Clementine studied Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh.

Responsibility: Project 4 Researcher
Passage From India



Janet Greenlees is a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Director of the Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare.  Her research expertise cover 19th and 20th Century British and American health history, with interests in employer and voluntary provision of healthcare, the intersection between public health and the working environment, and maternal wellbeing.  In addition to publishing in these areas, she is also interested in public history and is currently involved with the South Lanarkshire Heritage Lottery Fund project, Pits, Ponies, People and Stories.  She has gained research funding from a variety of sources, including the Wellcome Trust, the ESRC, and the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland.

Current research projects include:

  • A comparative study of the when the working environment became a health concern in Britain and America
  • The Context of Caring – Healthcare, Health Inequalities and the QNIS
  • The Church of Scotland as a provider of healthcare

She will be working with Dr Gillian Murray on the history side of the MRC project ‘Developing methods to evidence “Social enterprise as a public health intervention”.



Alan is a social enterprise and community development researcher with particular experience in the social economy, social accounting and audit, evaluations and social capital.  He is an Associate Tutor with the Scottish Social Enterprise Academy and is one of the principal tutors on the MSc Social Enterprise programme.  He is a Director of the CBS (Community Business Scotland) Network and, with the late John Pearce, was instrumental in founding the Social Audit Network.  He wrote a chapter on social capital for Pearce’s seminal 2003 work Social Enterprise in Anytown.  He is Treasurer for the Community Development Journal and over the years has developed a network of contacts with a wide range of social economy and voluntary organisations, both within the UK and around the world.



Bobby began working on the CommonHealth programme in March 2014 following a stint interning within the Yunus Centre. He comes from a diverse educational background having initially undertaken an MA (Hons) in Politics at the University of Glasgow, followed by an MSc in Sustainable Rural Development at the University of the Highlands and Islands. The final dissertations of both degrees have focused on the theory and practice of social enterprise.

Bobby is working on Project 2 of the programme, considering the role of social enterprise in improving health in Scotland today.

Responsibility: Project 2 Researcher
A contemporary analysis of social enterprise as a public health intervention



Gillian joined the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health in March 2014 as a post-doctoral researcher on the CommonHealth programme. Her research background is in Historical Studies with an MA (Hons) and MSc from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD from the University of Leicester. As an experienced social history researcher she will be working on the unique archival collections held at GCU focusing on the Social Enterprise Collection (Scotland) and developing a historical perspective on social enterprise as a public health initiative.

Prior to joining Glasgow Caledonian University, Gillian has worked on a range of multi-disciplinary research projects with a focus on aspects twentieth century British history and interests in gender, media and labour history.

Responsibility: Project 1 Researcher
A historical perspective on social enterprise as a public health intervention



After completing his Masters in Social Research (Policy Analysis) at Glasgow Caledonian, Michael joined the Yunus Centre in the summer of 2011, and was appointed Lecturer in Social Business in January 2014.  A sociologist, Michael’s main research interests, and the subject of his PhD, include the conceptualisation of social enterprise as a health and well-being ‘intervention’. He divides his time equally between the Yunus Centre and the Department of Business Management within the Glasgow School for Business and Society. Michael teaches on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including our MSc Social Enterprise and MSc Social Business and Microfinance.

A skilled project and programme manager, social entrepreneur and – from over a decade working in the Scottish Government - policy specialist, Michael was also a freelance consultant working with a range of public sector and third sector clients on research projects and on business and policy development.

He has significant experience working with a wide range of groups in the voluntary and community sectors, and those involved in developing and supporting social businesses in Scotland.



 Simon Teasdale is Professor of Public Policy and Organisations at Glasgow Caledonian University.  Prior to this he worked at the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Third Sector Research Centre at the University of Birmingham and has had visiting fellowships at the Universities of New South Wales and Georgia State.  He has a BA in Economics and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Manchester.

His research draws upon a range of qualitative and quantitative methods.  His quantitative work with Steve Mckay, Domenico Moro, Dennis Young and Janelle Kerlin explores the relationship between different organisational revenue sources over time.  In his qualitative work with Pascal Dey he focuses on the intersection between policy discourses of social enterprise and the day to day realities faced by practitioners.  His article “What’s in a name” won the best paper award at the 2010 Public Administration Committee conference and since publication in Public Policy and Administration has been among the most cited articles in the world on social enterprise.  In 2013 Simon won the best paper award at the EMES Social Enterprise Research Conference for “Playing with numbers: A methodological critique of the social enterprise growth myth. He is interested in supervising PhD students conducting research on the third sector and / or social enterprise / entrepreneurship / innovation.

Simon is Associate Editor of Social Enterprise Journal.  He has sat on a number of government committees at national and European level.  He is a reviewer for the ESRC and various academic journals. He has published in a wide range of academic journals, including Economy and Society, Housing Studies, Public Money and Management, Voluntary Sector Review and the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship.  His research has been funded by bodies such as the ESRC, Medical Research Council and the OECD.



Professor Isobel Anderson has taught in the School of Applied Social Science at the University of Stirling, Scotland, since 1994.  She ‌has longstanding research interests in housing, inequality and social exclusion with a particular focus on homelessness, health & well-being, and international comparisons.  Isobel was the founder and joint co-ordinator of the working group on Welfare Policy, Homelessness and Social Exclusion within the European Network for Housing Research from 2004-2013.  She is on the international advisory committee of the European Journal of Homelessness.  She is currently undertaking collaborative research on housing sustainability in the contrasting contexts of Cuba and the UK, from social science and architectural perspectives.




Professor Heather Fulford is the Academic Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Research Coordinator for the Department of Management.  She is a visiting Fellow at Loughborough University, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a Member of the British Computer Society.  Her research interests include: enterprise education; business start up resources; social enterprise; ICT in SMEs.



Prior to joining the Institute of Applied Health Research, Jon worked in the School of Health at GCU.  Previously he was based at the University of Oxford’s Clinical Trial Service and Epidemiological Studies Unit, where he worked mainly on meta-analysis of international overviews of randomised clinical trials in areas including breast cancer (EBCTCG), colorectal cancer and prostate cancer using innovative statistical methods.  He has a background in astrophysics, mathematics and electronics.



Antony is currently an Associate Director, Centre for Public Health, at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)and a Visiting Professor at Glasgow Caledonian University.  Antony trained originally as an applied chemist and later in information science and epidemiology.  He has worked in Public Health in the English NHS for the last 30 years, at district, regional and national level; he is a Fellow of the UK Faculty of Public Health.  At NICE he is currently responsible for producing public health guidance across a range of public health topic areas, including inequalities, community engagement, social and emotional wellbeing of children, sexual health, alcohol misuse, quitting smoking during pregnancy, domestic violence and Hepatitis B and C.  Antony is currently on a ½ time secondment to Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) based at GCU London a specialist postgraduate centre of the University in the role of Programme Leader for the MSc Public Health -  His main research interests include: positive 'asset based' approaches to health development; evaluating social action research initiatives; taking a social determinants approach to evidence based public health.  He is currently working on a number of European projects to further his research aims.  These include the EQUIPT project ( ); the WHO Health Behaviour in School Aged Children study ( and the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Child and Adolescent Health Policy (



Dr. Sarah-Anne Munoz is a Senior Research Fellow in Rural Health with the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI).  As a health geographer, she contributes to studies on the relationship between particular spaces/ places and individual/ community health and wellbeing.  She gained a PhD in Population Geography from the University of Dundee in 2007 (ESRC Studentship).  Sarah-Anne then joined UHI as a Post-doc; gaining experience of working on two large EU-funded projects including the Older People for Older People (O4O) project on social enterprise for older people’s services in rural areas.  Since 2009, Sarah-Anne has been involved as a Principle Investigator and Co-Investigator on several RCUK grants related to the interactions between health, wellbeing and place; including how outdoor environments can be used to promote health and the associations between community activities and well-being.  Her research involves working closely with community residents and public sector professionals as co-producers of research knowledge.  In 2011, she completed a visiting fellowship to the La Trobe University Rural Health School (Australia) where she undertook a pilot project with Australian academics to consider the health and wellbeing impacts of social enterprise activity – particularly in terms of how these can be captured and represented. 



Pete is a Programme Manager at the Glasgow Centre for Population Health with research interests in resilience and asset-based approaches.  Current work includes understanding processes that promote individual and collective resilience, the role of alcohol across the life-course and the cultural dimensions of the Glasgow Effect.  Pete also has an interest in knowledge transfer processes.  He is the Centre’s qualitative specialist and he offers appropriate methodological support across programmes.  He has recently received funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Connected Communities programme to explore the use of arts based methods in understanding the relationships between community narratives and health.



Professor Dawn Skelton is Professor of Ageing and Health at the School of Health and Life Sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University.  She is a commissioned author for the World Health Organisation’s Health Evidence Network and the UK’s Department of Health.  She was Scientific Co-ordinator of the EC funded ProFaNE (Prevention of Falls Network Europe) and co-hosted the 8th World Congress on Active Ageing, August 2012 in Glasgow.  She is currently working within a new EC Network - ProFouND (Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination) and leading on an MRC grant considering the determinants of sedentary behaviour (sitting) in older adults and implications for intervention.  She is passionate about evidence being translated into practice and so also co-runs a not for profit training organisation to ensure research based exercise interventions are implemented in community settings for those with a history of falls and of stroke.



Hilary Thomson is a senior investigator scientist at the MRC Social & Public Health Sciences Unit at the University of Glasgow.  She has worked within the broad topic area of healthy public policy for over 14 years and has extensive experience of conducting systematic reviews and mixed method evaluations in this field.  Most of her work has focussed on assessing the health and socio-economic impacts of housing improvement, neighbourhood regeneration, welfare interventions, and transport.
