Introducing CommonHealth at Aberdeen Foyer!
…Now underway at Robert Gordon’s University Aberdeen, find out more about the latest addition to the CommonHealth programme…
“Every action we take impacts the lives of others around us. The question is: Are you aware of your impact?”
Arthur Carmazzi
This is an increasingly vital question for social enterprises everywhere. Under scrutiny by funders, local councils and even communities, social enterprises are having to evidence their impact more extensively to not only receive and sustain funding but to gain support and commitment to their mission. In the current climate where funding is quickly evaporating and competition increasing, it is no surprise that social enterprises are expected to evidence a comprehensive collection of data with regular alterations to the requirements.
CommonHealth at Aberdeen Foyer intends to examine the effectiveness of existing mechanisms used to measure health and wellbeing outcomes. A comparative investigations with other social enterprises in Scotland is also being planned. Aberdeen Foyer will be the primary focus of the project. Now with over 20 years’ experience Aberdeen Foyer was initially formed to support the multiple issues that young people aged 16-25 face resulting in homelessness. Through the years they have extended their services and encompass a wider age range with young people still being their priority. Aberdeen Foyer aim to transform the lives of those with whom they work through support and opportunity for independent living, learning and work.
“Everyone needs a home, support and a springboard into independent living, learning and work. Some don’t have it. Aberdeen Foyer helps to fill the gap.”
Aberdeen Foyer
With three businesses; Foyer Graphics, Roadwise Driver Training and Foyer Works not only do Aberdeen Foyer have valuable income that supports their work, but are able to raise their profile throughout the wider community and offer employment, work experience and training opportunities. As a dynamic and ever changing organisation Aberdeen Foyer adapts to the needs of the client making them an ideal case study for measuring impact. With projects delivered in both Aberdeen City and Shire they support communities throughout the whole North East of Scotland.
CommonHealth at Aberdeen Foyer will investigate how Aberdeen Foyer collect, record, analyse, report, and transmit their data. And how this relates to action planning and decision making. Some evidence can be straightforward; number of participants, individuals moving on to positive destinations but it’s the measurement of softer outcomes that has proven to be more complex, how do you measure outcomes? With these outcomes being different for every individual, CommonHealth at Aberdeen Foyer looks to understand how these are measured currently and if there are more effective and efficient methods of doing so.
With the use of human centred design techniques the research will design, develop and test new measurement frameworks. This is with a view of helping social enterprises like Aberdeen Foyer increase the effectiveness of their health and wellbeing interventions and enable them to report more comprehensively and meaningfully on their impact.
“Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts.”
Albert Einstein
Melanie Liddell